Meet The Team

Kelly Brown

Kelly Brown

Dental nurse in training

Kelly is a valued member of the SVDS team, she is described as John’s ‘Right hand woman’. 

“I love my job. The most rewarding aspects of my role are being a part of the patient’s journey, helping nervous patients overcome their fears and seeing the amazing end results. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, long walks with my dog and listening to Music!” 

Freddie Cranfield

Freddie Cranfield


Freddie has been a part of the SVDS team since she was 16 years of age. She is currently waiting to start studying Medicine at University and is working full time at SVDS.

“Working at SVDS has taught me a lot. I enjoy the interaction with patients, the fast paced nature of the job and the ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’ ethic that John has installed here. In my spare time I enjoy scuba diving, reading and watching medical documentaries”

Eleanor Cranfield

Eleanor Cranfield


Eleanor is our part time receptionist. You will find her at SVDS outside of term time, where she currently resides at Nottingham University studying International Politics and Relations.

 “I like being a member of the SVDS team. I enjoy the fast paced work and conversations with patients and helping them to feel at ease. In my spare time I study, spend time with friends and I like to travel.”